What are the Different Signs of Mold in the Lungs?

Fungi Aspergillus, black mold which produce aflatoxins and cause pulmonary infection aspergillosis, aspergilloma of brain and lungs

The lung has defense mechanisms that try to suppress the growth of mold spores deposited in the alveoli and the bronchi. Some of these defense mechanisms include anatomical barriers and natural innate immunity. However, toxic mold has unique properties that counteracts these defenses, making the body vulnerable to allergic reactions and infections. The fungal virulence … Read more

Can Mold Cause Cancer?

Exposure to moldy and damp environments is likely to cause serious health effects especially when you get exposed for a long period of time. It is associated with a variety of health problems such as allergies, asthma, and depression. Chronic sinus infections are usually mistaken for common cold but the ugly truth is that most … Read more