How Does Mold Testing Work?

One of the most troubling aspects of having mold in your home is that you don’t always know that it’s there. As mold often grows in dark or damp places such as in your basement or under a sink, sometimes it is not easily visible. In some cases, mold can even grow inside a wall where it can’t be perceived by the naked eye at all. A mold test is one way that you can find out if there is mold in your home even when you may not be able to see it.

Mold testing involves taking a sample of either a surface or the air to determine if mold spores are present in your home. Most mold tests will tell you not only if mold is present, but what type of mold there are traces of. Large-scale home improvement stores will sell over the counter mold tests. As there are mold spores in the air all around us, both indoors and out, it’s important to follow the directions carefully to identify what types of mold may be present in your home. You can also pay a specialist to assess your mold situation and run a test for you.

When testing the air for mold, homeowners and specialists generally use a spore trap to catch a sample of spores that are present in the air. From these spores, one can determine what types of mold may be present, and the likelihood that they could grow in your home. For a surface test, a swab or sample of a surface is analyzed to identify if there are mold or spores present. A mold test, whether of the air or a surface, can be an easy way to assess what threat mold poses to your home.

When Not to Use a Mold Test

While a mold test can be useful in some scenarios, there are other instances where it isn’t a good investment. In general, if you can visibly see mold, it is a better use of your time and money to deal with its removal rather than testing it. While a mold test can tell you what kind of mold you have, so that you can assess its level of toxicity, you’re going to want to remove the mold in any case and take the necessary precautions in doing so.

Finding a Reliable Mold Testing Specialist

If you think you may have a mold infestation in your home, calling a specialist is a good idea. An honest mold specialist will be able to tell you if testing for mold makes sense given your situation, and will know what is the best type of test to perform. Look online and read reviews to find a qualified and experienced mold testing and removal specialist in your area. When choosing between prospective specialists, make sure to ask about their qualifications along with getting a quote both for testing and removal services. With a good specialist on your team, you’ll be able to get rid of unsightly mold in no time.