What are the Most Common Non-Toxic Types of Mold and Should I Still Have Them Removed?

Toxicity plays a major role in helping homeowners decide the best time to eliminate mold. The main reason behind this is that toxic mold may need quicker remediation than non-toxic mold. The most common toxic mold is black mold. However, it should not be assumed that all black molds are deadly, as some are non-toxic. Although some molds do not have toxic compounds, it is important to remove them because they not only look bad, but may also destroy your home’s structure. Furthermore, they can be allergenic. This article looks at the most common non-toxic molds and shows the reason why it is still important to get rid of them.

Non-Toxic Mold Types

As earlier stated, not all molds have toxic side effects. Examples of such molds include alternaria, nigrospora, dresclera, pithomyces, aureobasidium, ulocladium, and stemphylium. These molds do not produce mycotoxins, but alternaria mold can have significant allergy symptoms.

Why it is Important to Have Non-Toxic Mold Removed

  • Prevent Allergic Reactions

Non-toxic mold may not have detrimental health effects, but exposure to its spores can still lead to allergic symptoms like wheezing, stuffy nose, watery eyes, and itchy skin. Individuals that are allergic to mold can have more intense reactions upon exposure. In addition to this, people with a weak immune system are also likely to get mold infections.

  • Stop Structural Damage

Despite being non-toxic, mold can cause structural damage in a house. Accumulation of mold in materials like wood causes significant damage. Since mold spreads fast, it can be hard for you to prevent it from destroying your property. It is for this reason that you want to hire a professional as soon as possible to have the mold problem in your home remedied.

  • Increase Your Home’s Value

Mold removal increases the value of your home because no potential buyer would want to live in a mold-infested house. In fact, most buyers conduct mold inspection prior to purchasing a house. Therefore, any signs of mold growth in your house can put off potential buyers. If you plan to sell your house any time soon, consider doing mold remediation, as this will increase its overall value.

How to Eliminate Mold

In most cases times, mold can be removed by cleaning thoroughly using water, soap, bleach, and other commercial cleaning products. If you are dealing with too much mold on porous materials such as drywall, carpet, and ceiling tiles, you may have to throw away these materials if they are too moldy.

Mold removal is something you can do by yourself. However, if you do not think that you can manage the problem, it is good to contact a professional with vast experience in mold removal. Mold is a dangerous compound that you do not want to be exposed to. Furthermore, experts have the right equipment for getting rid of mold completely. They can thus help prevent the problem from recurring in your home.

How to Prevent Mold

Mold prevention is key because it is the best way to stop mold growth. Here are some things you can do to prevent mold:

  • Get Rid of Moisture

Mold requires moisture to thrive. Therefore, if some areas in your home are wet, then mold can easily grow there. The best way to get rid of moisture is to fix plumbing issues and water leaks, and ensure you dry off any wet areas in your home.

  • Prevent Condensation

Condensation takes place on cold surfaces when water vapor changes into liquid. Condensation usually happens on concrete walls, metal pipes, windows, and water tanks. A good way to minimize condensation is to install insulation by putting coverings over pipes.

  • Reduce Humidity Levels

High levels of humidity are another cause of mold. One of the best ways to keep humidity levels low is ventilation. Consider opening up windows during the day, especially when the weather is hot. You should also ventilate rooms where moisture and steam builds up.

Although toxic molds draw a lot of attention due to their numerous health effects, many other molds are non-toxic. Some examples of such molds include cladosporium, nigrospora, and ulocladium. Most individuals get into contact with these molds daily with little to no health effects. While these molds have no serious health effects, they can still trigger asthma and allergic reactions. Furthermore, they destroy the structure of your home and naturally look bad. It is for these reasons that it is crucial for you to remove non-toxic molds to ensure your home is mold-free and safe.